Sunday, September 13, 2009


So My sweet cousin Jami has inspired me to do more projects...i dont know exactly what they are but i will do some.Managing to keep an A in my school classes and doing my projects after school and or on Sat.You may be wondering where in the heck is she doing her project on.Well here is your answer... my room.Well i am aiming to make my room dance galore so i have already got a strobe light.Oh also Me and my sister Whitney(by the way...yes she is the one who won pied piper and is pretty much amazing)are trying to convince my sweet mother to paint furniture.we have had this gross stuff forever,and i have managed as a little girl to get pink goo all over it and make it all a mess...and circle on it where the old pain came off(i love melts and this is what happens).Also i have fit time in there to get sharpie,crayon,and marker all over them.So thank you Jamie for giving me inspiration to do More projects!